To help you prepare for the exam, we offer different types of practice, including practice questions and a mock exam, with our Learning Ecosystem. As you work your way through the curriculum, we recommend pausing to answer practice questions, assessing your level of confidence and accuracy along the way. Then, in advance of the exam, take a mock exam, which mimics the exam-day experience as closely as possible.
Practice questions are based on lessons in the curriculum to help you evaluate your topic-level strengths and weaknesses. All questions are rooted in the current curriculum, and they are in the same format as the questions on the actual exam level you are registered for. You will receive in-time feedback on your answers, including detailed explanations for the correct answer.
Ecology Exam Essay Questions
In terms of structure, each mock exam consists of the same topic area weights and level of difficulty as the actual exam. Questions are based on the current curriculum for the exam level you registered for, and they are in the same format as the questions on the actual exam.
The exam gives approximately equal weight to these three areas. The exam contains approximately 115 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. Some of these are pretest questions that will not be scored.
The final exam will consist of short essay questions reflecting the diversity of material covered. Please keep your answers to approximately 300-600 words, write in complete sentences and avoid bulleted lists.
Because of updates to the AP Biology course and exam design after the 2019 exam, FRQs from 2019 and earlier may not directly reflect the format of questions which will appear on the 2021 and future exams. Please see the course and exam description for the most up-to-date exam format and sample questions.
Population ecology examines the population distribution and density. Population density is the number of individuals in a given volume or area. This helps in determining whether a particular species is in endanger or its number is to be controlled and resources to be replenished.
For example, if you want to study animal science, you could begin by explaining how you always loved going to the zoo growing up. You can then transition into describing how this love of animals led you to volunteer at the local animal hospital, and conclude your essay by explaining that your time at the animal hospital inspired your desire to become a veterinarian.
There are two ways to structure this essay: a longitudinal method or a moment-in-time method. To organize the information in a longitudinal way, describe how your passion unfolded over time. For example, discuss the first time you encountered photography and how you grew more passionate about it. You could discuss crucial memories like getting your first high-quality camera, or your first interaction with your favorite photographer. Establishing a chronological story of your discovery of the interest and the development of your passion, knowledge, and/or skill is an excellent way to paint a picture of your individuality as well as your readiness to take on your intended major.
Learning tips An excellent way to prepare for the quizzes and examinations is to orally explain a topic, concept, or term to a colleague. Do this regularly as if you are teaching a course in ecology. If you can explain the course subject matter in a succinct and technically correct manner, then you have mastered the topic.More learning tips ... Study Recommended course preparation: Core textbooks in ecology, plant physiology, and botany Assessments Carefully review theSyllabus and Examination schedule & grading sections Week of August 25 Notes Welcome to Plant EcophysiologyThe access the secure course content, enter your access codes as follows:Secure course learning material:Username: ad\XXX1234 (your four letter/four number user name; be sure to use the ad\ prefix)Password: your official UI password
If you encounter technical problems with access to the course material, or the course material, please: (1) confirm that you computer figuration and browser are correctly configured (see Advisory, Tips, andInstructions sections), and (2)contact the professor to set up a diagnoses consultation to resolve the technical problem.Note: The scoring error on study question 9 in the the first interactive lesson (online version only; the DVD version scores correctly) has been fixed. Apple OS users Learning tips An excellent way to prepare for the class discussions and examinations is to orally explain a topic, concept, or term to a colleague. Do this regularly as if you are teaching a course in ecophysiology. If you can explain the course subject matter in a succinct and technically correct manner, then you have mastered the topic.In order to increase your performance, please be sure to follow the recommended learning procedures on a regular bases. Cycle through these steps repeatedly until you have mastered the material. An excellent way to prepare for the quizzes and examinations is to orally explain a topic, concept, or term to a colleague. Carefully study the textbook and articles for detailed information Study and review the interactive lessons and games to guide your study and to evaluate your understanding Study and review the sample questions for each examination
Weeks of September 1 and September 8 Notes Monday, September 1 - Labor Day holiday - University of Idaho closedMastery level comprehension means that students should be able to discuss (in written and oral form) the answers in precise, succinct, and technically correct manner (without notes) using the concepts and terms of ecophysiology. Regularly practice your answers orally as if you were teaching the topic to your colleagues.Note: The scoring error on study question 9 in the the first interactive lesson (online version only; the DVD version scores correctly) has been fixed. Learning tips More learning tips ... Study Section II: ReadingsSection II: Interactive lesson on solar radiation Assessments Master the study questions contained in the interactive lesson. Weeks of September 15 Notes Learning tips More learning tips ... Study Section III: Readings for energy balanceSection III: Interactive lesson on energy balance Assessments Master the study questions contained in the interactive lesson. Weeks of September 22 Notes Learning tips More learning tips ... Study Section III: Readings for energy balanceSection III: Interactive lesson on energy balanceSection IV: Readings for soil energy balanceSection IV: Interactive lesson on soil energy balanceSample questions for the mid-term examination Assessments Master the study questions contained in the interactive lesson. Weeks of September 29 Notes Learning tips More learning tips ... Study Section V: Readingson climateSection V: Enhanced lecture on climate: Climate descriptions and climate diagrams Assessments Master the study questions contained in the interactive lesson. Week of October 6 Notes Prepare for the mid-term examination during week of October 13: All topics through and including climateThe examination is closed book: no printed or electronic materials or notes can be used during the examination. The examination is short essay style; your answers should be limited to one or two succinct paragraphs. Be sure that your answers are technically precise, supported by the readings, and phrased in appropriate terminology and concepts for the discipline of ecophysiology. The examination will be transmitted as a MS Word document via email. Learning tips An excellent way to prepare for the class discussions and examinations is to orally explain a topic, concept, or term to a colleague. Do this regularly as if you are teaching a course in ecophysiology. If you can explain the course subject matter in a succinct and technically correct manner, then you have mastered the topic.In order to increase your performance, please be sure to follow the recommended learning procedures on a regular bases. Cycle through these steps repeatedly until you have mastered the material. An excellent way to prepare for the quizzes and examinations is to orally explain a topic, concept, or term to a colleague. Carefully study the textbook and articles for detailed information Study and review the interactive lessons and games to guide your study and to evaluate your understanding Study and review the sample questions for each examination
Week of December 1 Notes Note: If you experience problems accessing the audio portion (or other functions) in the interactive lessons, see technical Tips for a quick solution. Learning tips Regularly practice your discussions of the study questions in small study groups. For off-campus students, try to explain the particular topic or concept to a colleague.More learning tips ... Study Section X: Readings on interactions: Section X: Interactive lesson on interactions: Carbon balance Assessments Week of December 8 Notes Learning tips An excellent way to prepare for the class discussions and examinations is to orally explain a topic, concept, or term to a colleague. Do this regularly as if you are teaching a course in ecophysiology. If you can explain the course subject matter in a succinct and technically correct manner, then you have mastered the topic.
In order to increase your performance, please be sure to follow the recommended learning procedures on a regular bases. Cycle through these steps repeatedly until you have mastered the material. An excellent way to prepare for the quizzes and examinations is to orally explain a topic, concept, or term to a colleague. Carefully study the textbook and articles for detailed information Regularly practice your discussions of the study questions in small study groups Study and review the interactive lessons and games to guide your study and to evaluate your understanding Study and review the sample questions for each examination 2ff7e9595c